The Department Head-COE

 Prof. Abdullah Ibrahiem Al-Shoshan

(Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

Tel: 96663801560
Fax:  96663801731
Extension: 3820       
E-mail:   ashoshan [at] qu [dot] edu [dot] sa

Head's Message:


Sector has achieved a science and technology renaissance pioneer created the Kingdom of the means andcapabilities needed to catch up with scientific and technical progress desired and what was the information systemsthat rely primarily on the computers all the equipment code and of the mechanism, a pillar of economic development, educational, social, cultural and media have focused development plans on the use of those techniques and mind One of the important strategies of the State to strengthen the process of comprehensive development of the country and work to catch up with the huge global development in this field, especially after the Kingdom's pioneering approach towards nanotechnology.

     In a study carried out by the U.S. Census Bureau (Bureau of Labor Statistics) in 2006, the Office anticipates growth in demand for engineers Computer by 38% in 2016, i e, the number and functions of 324.000 jobs, which represents the largest percentage growth in the Department of Industry, In the same report issued In 2006, the average salary engineer Computer engineer systems soon than 80.000 dollars, equivalent to 300.000 Real ago, the office said that the demand increase is high on the architects of the computer because they have the potential of the electronics, communications and the potential of the programming, the study emphasized that it is looking for a job in the industry are not affected by the conditions (Wall Street) economic, it is a Computer Engineer.

     In another study carried out by the Foundation (National Science Foundation) in 2008, a computer specialist in general, the studyreported that the rate of growth in demand was higher than average growth (average growth rates ranging from 7-13%) of the 2008-2018 m was averaging 30 %, where the average annual income in May 2008 to (99.900 dollars), and the highest 10% of themreached (151.250 U.S. dollars).

     As one of the directions and objectives of Qassim University, one of the system in Saudi universities, the introduction of thesetechnologies, and considered one of the strategies in the rehabilitation of qualified personnel that will contribute to meeting the needs of the State's development plans and contribute effectively in the broaden the base of higher education in the areas of computer andinformation technologies and to meet also Labor market needs in government and private sector, which still suffers from a dearth ofqualified national cadres specialized in this area, has rushed to the establishment of this University College of Computer andspecialized in the fields of computer, including the Computer Engineering specialization.


     As one of the directions and objectives of Qassim University, one of the system in Saudi universities, the introduction of these technologies, and considered one of the strategies in the rehabilitation of qualified personnel that will contribute to meeting the needs of the State's development plans and contribute effectively in the expanding higher education in the areas of computer and information technologies and to meet also labor market needs in government and private sector, which still suffers from a dearth of qualified national cadres specialized in this area, has rushed to the establishment of this University College of Computer and specialized in the fields of computer, including the Computer Engineering specialization. The Computer Engineering Department a number of engineering fields, such as, for example: Electronics engineering, electronic engineering of digital communications, wired and wireless networks, network security, encryption schemes, circuits logic design, digital artificial intelligence and neural networks, control systems, digital signal processing, audio and digital photos , using the Assembly programming languages ​and the language of the machine, and a range of scientific areas that are the infrastructure of the mind of the computer engineer. And plays a Computer Engineering Department is an integral rotating with the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Department in building the mind based engineering graduate of an integrated whole. Given the importance of specialization Computer Engineering, has characterized the state government jobs this specialization for engineering discipline have other many advantages, the most important appointment on the third class of seventh place and an increase in salary by 25% from their peers, but for private sector companies, technology has made the roof of the salaries of disciplines Computer Engineering and disciplines,especially computer generally open, so as to attract distinctive competencies in this specialty because of the competition.​

07:44 AM