Mission, Vision, & Goals


To foster the research culture and motivate the faculty members to improve the research output.


           Developing and enhancing the scientific environment in CoC to become a pioneer in the field of scientific research locally, regionally, and globally to strengthen the scientific and technical status of Saudi Arabia.


·       To raise the level of classification of the college in the field of scientific research between the faculties of the university

·       To help the faculty members in improving the quality of research publications

·       To increase the number of research publications in the college

·       To help faculty members collaborate with colleagues


·       Arrange research gatherings in the field of scientific research at the college level

·       Provide research-related guidance and information

·       Collaborating with the statistical committee to calculate departmental and college-level statistics

·       Preparing the annual committee plan activities

·       Appreciating and motivating faculty by certificates/shields for exceptional research output

Committee Members:

·       Dr. Rehan Ullah Khan - (Head and Representative of IT Department) 

·       Dr. Ali Mustafa Qamar (SRD and CS Representative)

·       Dr. Mohamed Tanveer Parvez (Representative of CoE department) 

·       Dr. Dina Mahmoud Ibrahim (Head of Female R&D Section)

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